
Jordan Groves has always liked stories. There is a certain magic to listening to a good one--no matter how tall the tale. While books, film, and theatre are a great inspiration to him in this regard, something just clicked when it came to games. Here were stories that you didn't just listen to or watch; you interacted with them. The core of the story is often the same, but your version of the story was always different from your friends. These are the stories that he wants to create.

When he finished high school, Jordan headed to Carnegie Mellon's School of Drama to study lighting design for the stage. After so many years focusing on mostly technical pursuits, it proved valuable to explore the more artistic avenues available through theatre. Learning to work with different personalities and skill sets, while quickly resolving design issues in time for the first show has also proved to be a valuable skill.

After receiving his Bachelor's of Fine Arts, Jordan decided to once again pursue a career in video games, having gotten the chance to briefly work for Midway Austin as an intern. So, he applied to the Master's of Digital Media program in Vancouver, British Columbia and soon moved to Canada. While there, he worked on several projects, including a prototype game for Skybox Labs and a final thesis exploring methods of delivering narrative in games done in conjunction with Microsoft Game Studios Vancouver.

Upon finishing his Master's, Jordan was hired by the studio now known as The Coalition. He still works there, now as a senior level designer.